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Sobre el castigo y la salvación

• The death of Christ on the Cross has been for all human beings.

•Salvation is not by works or by the improvement of man, but only by the Grace of God that works in those who, by faith, repent and believe in the perfect sacrifice offered by Jesus Christ, his blood shed on the Cross, as the only basis for the forgiveness of their sins and obtaining salvation.

•The moment a person believes in Jesus Christ as his True and only Savior, God gives him eternal life and the new birth. Therefore, it is a new creature that begins to grow through the Word of God, its spiritual food.

•Likewise, whoever receives Jesus Christ as his Savior, at the same time that God gives him Salvation, gives him the Holy Spirit, who begins to dwell within him, to guarantee his salvation, to console him, comfort him, prepare him and guide him to that he lives a life guided by Him, and so that, being a redeemed sinner, he can express the glory of God and do his Will through his life with gratitude.

•Those who have been born again have been saved, by the grace of God, not only from hell, but also from their “vain way of life”.

• That true believers live physically as before, but when they believed in Jesus Christ, they have died and risen together with Him, to live a new life as ambassadors of God, pilgrims and foreigners in this world, to serve God and other men by communicating the gospel.

•Those who have been born again were chosen, by the grace of God, to have faith before the creation of the world.

•In this present age, saved Christians, when they die, go immediately to heaven, where Christ is.

•At the time of the Rapture, the bodies of the believers who have died in this Church age will be resurrected first, to be transformed into bodies of glory, and then those who are alive will also be equally transformed.

• The bodies of the saints of the Old Testament times, and those of the Tribulation, will be resurrected when Christ comes on earth, just before his reign, thus fulfilling the covenant that God made with them.

• Men who have died without having accepted Jesus as their Savior will not be saved nor will they have any more opportunity to be saved.

•Those who have not believed in Jesus Christ will immediately go to Hades, a “place of torment” created to punish Satan.

•At the end of the Millennium, all the men who are in Hades will be taken out, their bodies being resurrected, and they will be judged at the “Great White Throne of God”. Since this judgment is only for unbelievers, it will be to condemn them for refusing to believe in Jesus Christ and for what they have done in his body in this world. They will be thrown into the lake of fire to suffer eternally with a resurrected body that will never be consumed.

Sobre la providencia de Dios

y su propósito

•The purpose of all God's works is to express His Glory.

•The Israelite people, descendants of Abraham, is the people chosen by God, through which he expresses his Glory and his plan of salvation for all humanity.

•In his providence, God has two different plans: one for the Israelite people and the other for the Church.

• The covenants that God made with Abraham, the one in the desert of Moab (Palestinian Covenant), and the Davidic covenant, will literally be fulfilled in the Kingdom of Christ, which will be established by Jesus Christ in his Second Coming for the Israelite people.

•The time of the Church began on the first day of Pentecost, after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and will end with the Rapture, which will take place when the Lord comes for his own (the Church) until  air.

•At the Rapture all true believers will be taken to heaven.

•After the Rapture there will be a period of time, where there will be world peace caused by a pact that the Antichrist will establish in the Middle East, until the last prophetic week of Daniel begins, which is the Tribulation.

•In the 7 years of Tribulation, God will pour out his wrath on the Gentile world, who will deny Christ and accept Satan's Anti-Christ, and also on the Jews who accept the Antichrist and worship his image, whom he will also punish for sin. that their ancestors committed when crucifying their Son Jesus Christ. But it will also give repentance to the remnant of Israel and give them faith to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. The Gentiles who accept Christ will also be given salvation, which will be the entrance to the Kingdom that He will establish on this earth.

•Christ, at the end of the Tribulation, will come on the Mount of Olives to save the remnant of the Israelite people from the Antichrist.

•Christ's earthly reign on earth will last 1000 years.

•After the Millennium, the world of the old creation will be burned, and will be replaced by the new heaven and the new earth, on which the New Jerusalem will descend from heaven.

About Satan and

the demons

•Satan was originally created by God as the head of the angels, but he fell into sin and became God's enemy of his own free will.

• Demons are fallen angels along with Satan. Both Satan and demons are real existential beings and possess personality.

•Both Satan and the demons will be judged at the end of this world, to be thrown into the lake of fire, where they will have to suffer eternally.

Iglesia Evangélica de Alcalá de Guadaíra · C/Zorzaleña 2, Alcalá de Guadaíra, (Sevilla) 41500, España

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