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Over the  gifts of the Holy Spirit

Sobre la Iglesia

Sobre otros asuntos

•La Iglesia fue formada en esta tierra por el Espíritu Santo en el primer día de Pentecostés, después de la resurrección de Jesucristo. Se le denomina “Cuerpo de Cristo” por estar compuesta por todos los verdaderos creyentes vivos en la tierra, que forman un Cuerpo, teniendo a Cristo como su única Cabeza.

•Todos los que creen en Jesucristo son bautizados (metidos) en el cuerpo de Cristo.

•Las iglesias locales son una expresión visible de la Iglesia que es el cuerpo de Cristo.

•En las iglesias locales debe haber un responsable, denominado “ángel (enviado)” en los capítulos 2 y 3 del libro de Apocalipsis. (Estos no son ángeles guardianes de las iglesias de cada zona, como sostienen algunas denominaciones.)

•En cada iglesia debe haber ancianos y diáconos nombrados por el responsable.

•Cada iglesia local debe estar gobernada directamente por Cristo, y se espera que llegue a la madurez, para poder ir ampliando la Obra, y debe ser independiente de cualquier organización humana.

•La Iglesia, como conjunto de todos los creyentes verdaderos de este mundo, será arrebatada al cielo el día en que venga Jesucristo hasta el aire.

•Después del Arrebatamiento, todos los creyentes de esta época de la iglesia formarán un sólo cuerpo, aparte de Cristo, para ser “su esposa”, y recibir su amor eterno y ser coherederos con Él de las bendiciones y las riquezas de Dios.

•The Ecumenical Movement is not God's will. His Word itself tells us that "this world will go from bad to worse", so the mission of the church is not to improve it or achieve world peace, but to rescue the souls of this evil age and of this world, which is reserved to be burned by fire.

•Social works are necessary, but they must be the means to be able to communicate the gospel to the marginalized and needy, as well as to show God's love for them. They must not be used as means of propaganda that demonstrate the good will of the church to collaborate with society and seek its well-being, thus seeking the approval or recognition of the world.

•In this present age there are not, nor should there be, Apostles or Prophets.

•The gift of tongues was mainly a sign to the unbelieving Jews, to lead them to repentance. (1Co 14:21,22)

•The gift of tongues was also a sign of having been given the Holy Spirit to believers; but in this present age it must no longer exist, since this has already been clarified and was to "cease" as a gift when "the perfect" would come, that is, the full revelation of the truth of God, which concluded when the New Will. (1Co 13:8~11). As transitory gifts, in the final chronological list of spiritual gifts that appears in Ephesians 4:8~16, “apostles” and “prophets” are no longer mentioned, because they were only needed until the completion of the New Testament, which is currently our ultimate authority and basis of faith.

•The Holy Spirit can perform miracles or healings at this time, within and through the churches, according to his providence, but they are not signs of the apostles, as the apostles did at the time of the Acts. The greatest miracle that the Holy Spirit continues to perform today is the salvation of sinners.

•Currently there are no people who can freely use the gifts of healing or miracles, since the Word of God has been completed. The same apostle Paul, who could perform miracles in the beginning of his life as a servant of God, later suffered pains, and, even after praying and taking a vow, he was not healed.

•Currently the gift of prophecy is exercised by communicating the Word of God completed and sealed by the Holy Spirit to advise and exhort.

• God gives gifts to saved believers and churches to communicate the gospel to all the world and express the glory of his Son Jesus Christ.

•To be filled with the Holy Spirit is to let Him dominate our lives so that He bears His fruit through us. It is about our total surrender to God regardless of our emotional state. It has nothing to do with entering a euphoric or ecstatic state or emitting unintelligible voices.

•The “baptism of fire” (Mt 3:11; Lu 3:16) does not teach us either that when one receives the Holy Spirit they feel some special strength or emotional euphoria, but that it means, on the contrary, being punished by fire of hell if one does not believe in Jesus Christ, as the context clearly demonstrates. (Mt 3:10,12; Lu 3:17)

Iglesia Evangélica de Alcalá de Guadaíra · C/Zorzaleña 2, Alcalá de Guadaíra, (Sevilla) 41500, España

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